Mastering the Basics: Understanding the Positions of the Feet in Ballet

Ballet Positions of the Feet

These positions form the foundation of ballet technique and are essential for proper alignment, balance, and movement.

Here are some of my notes, as an instructor:

  1. First Position

    • Heels together with toes turned out, forming a straight line.
    • Legs are rotated outward from the hips.
    • Lift your arches
  2. Second Position

    • Feet are turned out and placed about hip-width apart.
    • Heels remain on the same line as in first position.
    • Lift your arches
  3. Third Position

    • One foot is placed in front of the other, with the heel of the front foot touching the arch of the back foot.
    • Both feet are turned outwards.
  4. Fourth Position

    • One foot is placed in front of the other, about one foot’s length apart.
    • Both feet are turned outwards, with the heel of the front foot aligned with the toes of the back foot.
  5. Fifth Position

    • One foot is placed in front of the other, with the heel of the front foot touching the toes of the back foot.
    • Both feet are turned outwards, forming two parallel lines.
  6. Sixth Position (Parallel)

    • Feet are parallel to each other, typically about hip-width apart.
    • Toes are pointing forward, not turned out.

To check your natural turnout, bend your knees in any position and make sure your knee aligns with your toe. If your knee is inside, turn your foot inward. If your knee is outside, turn your foot outward.

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